Sunday Adelaja, the author of the book: "Money Won't Make You Rich" in his book gives 12 reasons why some people are rich and others poor. 1. The difference is that poor people eat their seed, whereas rich people sow or invest their seed. 2. The poor want to live like the rich, so they buy luxuries. The rich, however, never spend; they multiply their money and live off the overflow. 5 LIES PEOPLE BELIEVE ABOUT MONEY 3. The rich know how to identify opportunities, whereas the poor do not see the opportunities. 4. The rich have the “can do” mind-set, but the poor rely on miracles and luck. “Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth” (Prov. 10:4, niv). 5. Poverty is not a state of the purse or pocket, but a state of the mind. 6. For the majority of their time, the poor are not doing enough things in an efficient manner, whereas the rich are experts at what they do and...
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