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Numbers In The Bible And Their Meaning

  FIGURE “1” Stands for UNITY see Gen. 1: 24, 11: 6, Jn. 10: 30, I Cor. 1: 10 FIGURE “2” Stands for WITNESSES see Num. 35: 30, Deut. 17: 6 FIGURE “3” Stands for: The GODHEAD Gen. 1: 26; 3: 22; 11: 6 – 7; Matt. 3: 16-17; 28: 19 FIGURE “4” stands for UNIVERSAL   see Dan. 7: 2, Matt. 24: 31, Re. 7: 1 FIGURE “5” Stands for A COMPLETE PERSON There are 5 senses namely: Seeing; Hearing; Smelling; Tasting, and Touching. In O.T. times God forbade Levites with deformities from serving in the Temple. See Lev. 21: 16-24 READ ALSO: HOW CRUCIFIXION WAS DONE IN THE ROMAN EMPIRE FIGURE “6” Stands for A NUMBER OF MAN/WOMAN Adam and Eve were both created on the 6 day {Friday} of God’s creation. Remember your 6 feet, was a common inscription we saw on vehicles and on building walls in the past. Rev.13:18, Gen.1:26-31 FIGURE “7” Stands for THE PERFECT FIGURE OF GOD  Gen.2:2-3; Ex.25:37; Lev.14:7; Luk.11:2...

Islam confirms Paul as one of the messengers of Allah

  Modern Muslims are under the impression that the text of the Bible was corrupted by Christians but is this really the position of the Quran and earlier Muslims who were closer to Muhammad? We shall investigate this by analyzing what the Quran and Islamic sources have to say on the matter. The Quran affirms that no one can change the words of Allah. Surah 18:27: And recite that which hath been revealed unto thee of the scripture of thy Lord. There is none who can change His words and thou wilt find no refuge beside Him The Quran affirms that the Torah and Gospel are the word of Allah: Surah 3:3-4: He hath revealed unto thee (Muhammad) the Scripture with truth, confirming that which was (revealed) before it, even as He revealed the Torah and the Gospel. Surah 6:114: Shall I seek other than Allah for judge, when He it is Who hath revealed unto you (this) Scripture, fully explained? Those unto whom We gave the Scripture (aforetime) know that it is revealed from thy Lord in truth. So ...

Jesus Fulfilled 37 Old Testament Prophecies

 Jesus Fulfilled 37 Old Testament Prophecies These  prophecies were prophesied by many  minor and major prophets in the old testament like Isaiah, Jeremiah, Jeremiah, Zachariah and Micah. Below are all the 37 prophecies fulfilled by our Lord Jesus Christ in the Old Testament.  1. Seed of a woman Prophecy Genesis 3:15 Fulfillment Galatians 4:4  2. Seed of Abraham Prophecy Genesis 12:3 Fulfillment Matthew 1:1  3. Seed of Isaac Prophecy Genesis 17:19 Fulfillment Luke 3:34  4. Seed of Jacob  Prophecy Numbers 24:17 Fulfillment Matthew 1:2  Read aslo: How Crucifixion was done in the Roman Empire 5. From the tribe of Jacob  Prophecy Genesis 49:10 Fulfillment Luke 3:33   6. Heir to the throne of David  Prophecy Isaiah 9:7   Fulfillment Luke 1:32-33  7. Born in Bethlehem   Prophecy Micah 5:2  Fulfillment Luke 2:4-2...

Friends Today Enemies Tomorrow :Video

Friends Today Enemies Tomorrow by  Theophilus Nkansah Amoako  Watch more of Theophilus Nkansah Amoako videos on

Picture of the Day


Prophecies of the Messiah fulfilled in Jesus Christ Pt I

Prophecies of the Messiah fulfilled in Jesus Christ Pt I 1. Seed of a woman Prophecy  Genesis 3:15 And I will put hostility between you and the woman and between your offspring and her offspring;he will strike your head,and you will strike his heel.” Fulfillment  Galatians 4:4 But when the appropriate time had come, God sent out his Son, born of a woman, born under the law.  2. Seed of Abraham Prophecy  Genesis 12:3 I will bless those who bless you, but the one who treats you lightly I must curse,so that all the families of the earth may receive blessing through you.” Fulfillment  Matthew 1:1 This is the record of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham. 3. Seed of Isaac Prophecy  Genesis 17:19 God said, “No, Sarah your wife is going to bear you a son, and you will name him Isaac. I will confirm my covenant with him as a perpetual covenant for his descendants after him. Fulfillment Luke 3:34 the son of Jacob, the son of Isaac, th...

Seven Results of Lying

  1. You will attract liars into your life    (Proverbs 17:4)One who acts wickedly pays attention to evil counsel; a liar listens to a malicious tongue. 2. You will lack understanding                 (Psalm 119:104) "Your precepts give me discernment.Therefore I hate all deceitful actions." 3. You will never enjoy permanent results  (Proverbs 12:19; 21:28) 12:19 The one who tells the truth will endure forever,but the one who lies will last only for a moment. 21:28  A lying witness will perish,but the one who reports accurately speaks forever 4. You will end up in a bondage           (Galatians 2:4) Now this matter arose because of the false brothers with false pretenses who slipped in unnoticed to spy on our freedom that we have in Christ Jesus, to make us slaves 5. You will be punished     (Proverbs 19:5)    A false witness will not go unpunished, and the one who...

How crucifixion was done in the Roman empire

  The Romans designed the crucifixion to be very humiliating, torturous, a surefire method of execution. No one in  history survived a full Roman crucifixion. A whip called flagrum was designed to rip the skin off the body and cause excessive bleeding. After just a few lashes, the victim's skin began to come off in ribbons and their muscles tore.                          Flagrum After a few more lashes, the muscles became like pulp. Arteries and veins were laid bare. Sometimes the flagrum would reach around the abdomen and the abdominal wall would give away causing the victim's intestines to spill out. Obviously, many people died during the flogging alone.  After flogging, victims were nailed through their arms to a crossbeam. The nails would go right through the median nerve causing extreme pains and incapacitating the hands. A seven inch nail would then be driven through both feet, and then the crucifixion...

Should women cover their hair to church service?

 INTRODUCTION 1. Paul's first epistle to the Corinthians addresses many issues... (a) Some related to conduct as Christians in Corinthian society. (b) Others pertained to conduct in the assemblies of the saints. 2. One issue involved women praying and prophesying with their heads uncovered... (a) Covered in depth in 1Co 11:2-16. (b) About which brethren have different views regarding its application today. 3. Views concerning "The Head Covering" generally fall into two camps... (a) It was a custom of the church - intended for universal and permanent application. (b) It was a custom of society - and Paul's instructions were limited and temporary in application. [I understand that Paul was addressing a custom of society, not a custom commanded by God for the church. Here are reasons why I believe that...] I. THE ISSUE PERTAINED TO SOCIETAL CUSTOM A. PAUL'S COMMENDATION... 1. Note carefully Paul's commendation as he begins - cf. 1Co 11:2. 2. "Now I praise yo...


 IS GAMBLING SINFUL? Gambling or "gaming" for stakes is becoming increasingly popular. A person can bet by lottery, casino, poker, slot machines, raffles, office pools, sports wagers, or online betting.  But is gambling moral or immoral according to the Bible? Should a Christian gamble? What does the Bible say? What about gambling addiction?  Introduction:  Gambling is big business. Consider the following facts: Americans gamble more money each year than they spend on groceries! * In Mississippi more money is spent on betting than on all retail sales combined. 85% of young people have already become gamblers. Usually the people who gamble the most are the people who can afford it the least: the poor and the elderly. [All statistics cited are from Dr. James Dobson, who served on the National Gambling Impact Study Commission, whose report was issued in 1999.] The purpose of this study is to consider whether or not gambling is morally acceptable. We hope to discuss wha...