A new relationship comes with so much excitement, love and care. Communication is intensified at the beginning of our new relationship. Lovers could talk endlessly on phone or via whatsapp without break. The desire to see each other is also heightened. The reason for all these is that our brain is flooded with hormones creating a drug like state in the lust or romantic stage.
Mistake #1:Making Hormonal Choices
According to research, when people are madly in love, they make decisions based on their feelings at the time, not on the sustainability of a potential long term mate. This feeling as time passes by declines and we come to our self realization. It is not advisable to make any long term decision during this period. Many married couples have regretted marrying their spouse because their decision was influenced by their hormones.
Mistake #2 : Choosing Needy People
Some men show affection to ladies who have broken up with their ex not long ago or freshly divorced woman. They try to be there for such women in terms of showing care, providing emotional support and eventually become their boyfriend or marrying them. The problem is that the needy person (brokenhearted or divorced lover) will use you to satisfy her neuroses and you'll end up getting tired of this making you to look for someone else. It is not advisable to date a person who's just suffered a broken relationship. If you just broke up with your lover, give yourself some time before entering into a new relationship.
Mistake #3: Denial of Problems
Lot of people deny knowledge of their lovers actions and inactions because they're deeply in love with them. You cook up many excuses to please what you feel for him or her. You focus on your partner's positive side only and willingly ignore all the red signals and let him appear as you want him to appear. Avoid the mistake by using every information gathered about him to make an objective decision.
Mistake #4 : Being Compliant
You try all your possible best to please your new lover. You don't want to argue or fight with him so you willingly comply with his rules and regulations although it's not in your best of interest. Even when you have to show your displeasure, you let it disappear. Don't forget that the teeth and tongue fight yet are united in carrying out the first stage of digestion. Why be afraid of picking up a quarrel with your new lover? Is it because of the benefits you get from him? Or you're madly in love with him? You need some arguments and even fights with your partner before you can get realistic handle of how the person really is.
Mistake #5:Picking A Partner You Suppose You Can Change.
Many ladies are guilty of this. Oftentimes you hear ladies saying "he feels different when he's with me". They believe love has a magical power to change their lover. What you need to know is that, your lover will show most of his positive side at the beginning of the relationship;his bad habits will resurface later in the relationship. You cannot change your lover unless he changes himself.
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