Black sesame sesame seeds are excellent for humans. They serve as powerhouse because of its high fat contents.
Healthy fats like omega-6, iron, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium are also present in black sesame seeds as well. Below are some health benefits one can derive from consuming the seeds.
In India, black sesame seeds are often blended with warm jaggery or sugar and made into sweet balls. These are used as snacks. Black sesame seeds oils are also used.
Sesame seeds are found on some loaf of bread sold in the city in Ghana. Black sesame seeds can be bought from the mall, and certain herbal shops.
1. Good for lactating mothers
Calcium, vitamin B, protein and iron found in black sesame seeds can increase the supply of breast milk.
2. Anti-aging power
Black sesame seeds are super rich in vitamin B and iron. This helps to prevent anti-aging symptoms like the hair to grow gray, poor memory and hearing loss.
3. Prevent cancer
Natural chemical compounds in the seed can slow down or even stop growth of cancer cells.
4. Relieve arthritis,
Black sesame seeds also have high copper content. This can help lower pain and inflammation liked with rheumatoid arthritis.
5. Blood pressure regulation
Magnesium, polyunsaturated fats contained in black sesame seeds helps to prevent hypertension.
6. Reduce stress and anxiety
Vital anxiety reducing nutrients like magnesium, vitamin B-1 and vitamin B-6 in black sesame seeds reduce anxiety.
7. Protect the heart
The seeds lower bad LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) cholesterol and reduce hypertension, which promote better heart health.
8. Prevent anemia
Black sesame seeds are packed with iron. This helps to prevent cancer.
9. Improve digestion and constipation
Unsaturated fatty acid and high Fiber content in the seed relieve indigestion and constipation.
10. Prevent osteoporosis
Black sesame seeds are wealthy in calcium, phosphorus, zinc, and magnesium which keep your bones strong and prevent osteoporosis.
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