The time to prepare for an important task is before it begins. The best time to begin preparing for parenthood is before you become a parent.
Titus 2:3-5 – Older women must be teachers of good things. Especially, they must teach young women their duties as wives and mothers.
Acts 20:27 – All Christians should teach “the whole counsel of God.” That includes Bible teaching about parenthood.
If you have children or ever will have them and even if you don’t have them as a Christian, you need to know God’s will about raising children.
Our purpose as Christians is to learn how parents can raise children successfully despite the problems we face. The foundational principle of these studies is that God’s word provides the best way to raise children.
Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Despite the pressures that surround your family, by following God’s word, you can raise children who serve God faithfully.
Parents must have goals
Parents must have proper goals, and must work diligently toward those goals. Whether you like it or not, if you have children, you are responsible to raise those children properly.Too many parents simply don’t want to accept their responsibility as parents. They expect others to raise their children: the government, schools,church, babysitters, day-care centers, or friends and relatives. Meanwhile, the parents pursue other interests.
Some fathers leave the children to the mothers to raise (or vice versa).Some parents forsake their children by divorce or desertion. Some spend too much time away from home pursuing other interests. Some simply don’t bother. How does God view such conduct? If you chose to participate in the reproductive act—then you are responsible for any child that results. Your Children did not ask to come here. You brought them here.
Now it’s your job to take care of them. The government did not bring your child into this world. You did. So, don’t expect the government to raise your child. Likewise, for the church, the schools, the day-care center, and your parents or relatives – none of them brought your children into this world.Your goal as parents is caring for your children. God will hold you responsible for Raising Your Children.
Titus 2:4 – Young women should be taught to love their children. Love requires caring for them, not deserting or neglecting them. Properly must be your goal.
Ephesians 6:4 – Fathers are commanded to bring their children up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. You cannot leave this up to others, including your wife (though, of course, she is responsible too). You are responsible. You have no right to shirk this duty or try to shift it to others.
Genesis 18:19 – God approved of Abraham because he commanded his children to keep the way of the Lord. He did not leave this duty up to others.
One Samuel 3:12-14 — On the other hand, when Eli’s sons became corrupt,God held Eli accountable. God rebuked Eli, not the schools or the government or even just Eli’s wife. Parents, you must accept the goal of raising your children properly and must diligently work toward that goal. You must not leave this to others. Parents must meet their children's material needs. Parents are taught by the word of God to meet our children’s physical needs. We should provide a good education. We should prepare them for life,so they can have a happy marriage
and be good citizens and neighbors. We may even provide some recreation, entertain-ment, and enjoyment.
One Timothy 5:8 — If any does not provide for his own, and especially for his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
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