7 things you can never change till you change
In as much as the title may sound confusing to you, it is well noticing that there are limits to what a person can cause people to think about them.
We may convince people to do a certain job for us, pay someone to do a certain work for us and even bribe someone for a certain favour. Obviously this is unlawful and sinful in the sight of God.
However there are specific things we cannot woo people to do for us unless we change. I present to you seven of many things you can never change until you change.
1. You cannot change the way people treat you until you change the way you treat them.
Life is a reflection of yourself. If you constantly abuse, demean, disrespect people you come across, do not be surprised if people treat you in the same manner. It's often said that a stone thrown against a wall comes back to you.
Read also:What Every Youth Should Know : https://bricyboateng.blogspot.com/2020/09/what-every-youth-should-know.html
2. You cannot change your character until you change your friend.
There's a famous saying that, show me your friend and let me show you your character. We learn many things whether consciously or unconsciously from our friends. Some are bad and others good. If you want a change in your character, check your friends.
3. You cannot change what you harvest until you change what you sow.
This is a universal law of cultivation. Be mindful of your beginnings because it will have effect on it endings. Successful people in life did not achieve it in a split seconds, they made a sacrifice from their beginning.
4. You cannot change the direction of your life until you change the driver.
Who do you listen to? Who is your advisor? If you are not satisfied with where you are getting to, it is time you check whom you listen to or serve.
5. You cannot change your financial situation until you change your financial behaviour.
If you're fond of buying things you did not budget for or plan for, do not be overwhelmed when you run out of money sooner or later. Many have harboured a bad habit of buying unnecessary things they see outside.
Even worse, with the advent of social media, many people spend huge sums of money on purchasing expensive phones and its accessories, data bundles and designer clothes and sneakers from their little income. Do not blame the devil if you're doing this.
6.You cannot change me until you change and have constant relationship with Jesus.
God draws close to those who have repented of their sins and walk in the light of His word. If you want God to be in your life, you must first seek and submit to Him willingly.
7. You cannot change what you think until you change what you hear, read and watch.
In education we say a child is a 'Tabular Rasa' . Which means they copy or imitate what they see and hear. Such is all of us. Our thoughts are connected to our environment.
That is why companies spend lots of money on advisement. TV commercials convince us to buy certain products even though they may not necessarily be quality or needful to us.
Take absolute control of what you hear, see and watch and do not be carried away by the fake and immoral lives in the media landscape.
Credit:Kwabena Akurugu
Written by Bricy Boateng.
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Always on point, Mr. writer